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Ready to open a 401k but aren’t sure which is the best option for you? A self-directed or solo 401(k) puts your retirement portfolio in your own hands. These retirement accounts allow self-employed investors to increase their retirement savings with access to assets outside of traditional stocks and mutual funds like precious metals, real estate, and much more. Our Solo 401(k) plan is approved by the IRS and designed for business owners who have no full-time employees other than themselves or their spouse.
The Solo 401k plan was authorized by Congress in 2001 with the signing of the Economic Growth and Tax Reconciliation Relief Act (EGTRRA). Although the tax code has been around since 2002, only 2% of Americans are aware of its existence. Survival 401k is here to change that statistic.
Benefits of a Solo 401K
All customized Solo 401k plans that are specifically reviewed and approved by the IRS are proprietary. This includes licensing requirements and remaining in compliance. As changes are made to the code each year, as contribution limits change, and as IRS and DOL letter rulings and advisory opinion letters refine retirement law you will need to make sure your Solo 401k plan stays in compliance. Survival 401k is here to help you. Whenever there is a change or the plan requires an amendment, we will do the work for you and send you the necessary forms.
Our Solo 401(k) Plan Establishment Service Includes: